
Elitsa from Bulgaria: “I want to run several businesses”

Education is an important stepping stone to a future life. How does a student at Fontys look upon that future? What are his or her wishes and worries about life after graduation?

Elitsa Stoynova from Bulgaria is in her third year of Fontys International Business School in Venlo. ‘Solving problems’ is what she likes most. How does she see her future and will it be in Bulgaria or not?

“When you ask me what I’m doing in five years’ time, my answer is: running my own traveling company. For my studies right now I’m doing research about the aid international students need when they want to travel in The Netherlands and neighbor countries like Belgium. Hopefully this turns out to be a successful idea.

But in ten years’ time, I would also like to have my own lunch restaurant. A funny place where you not only eat lovely food, but also can read books from the inside bookstore or work on your laptop.

Yes, I really want to have several companies, because I’m interested in many things. Another thing is that I like to solve problems for other people and have impact with that. It’s the fuel for my motivation. My only worry would be having to work for a company in which I cannot have this impact.

For now, I’m really looking forward to my minor in Barcelona next January. For the first time living on my own... (Elitsa lives with her parents in Germany at this moment, red.)

After my graduation I’d like to go to Amsterdam. I love this city. For me an international environment, where I can learn from other cultures, is important. Bulgaria cannot offer me that right now.

I do think I have grown during my years at Fontys. From a shy girl to someone who’s not afraid to take the lead in a student project. I want to face challenges.” [Petra Merkx]

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Bedankt voor uw bericht.
So nice to read about your plans for the future! For now enjoy your minor in Barcelona, good luck!
Linda Bouwman
Great reading this Elitsa! Keep dreaming big. Good luck with your minor in Barcelona, and of course much luch and fun for the other challenges you aim to tackle.