COLUMN, Rina Manjrekar,

Be an ostrich

Knowledge is power. Information is key. As an assiduous engineer, these are the words I live by. However, in recent times it has become increasingly clear that sometimes perhaps, ignorance is bliss.

The heavy influx of COVID related information has been nothing short of overwhelming for all of us. For me as an expat, a recent graduate and an international student, it means opening the door to unprecedented anxiety.

 I have been reading and reading about the various points of view on the theories of vaccination. On the freedom of choice. The rising numbers of COVID cases, the pain and suffering around the globe. While this saddens me and confuses me to a degree beyond my imagination, what is more conflicting is the urge to be able to reason for these theories. I attempt, almost religiously, to understand each side of the argument and try (to no avail) to reach a common ground.

Regardless of whatever one’s opinion may be, we can all agree we all deserve kindness.

This December I was meant to be with my family after three long years. After much distress to all of us around the uncertainty of this situation, we persevered and today we are together. I believe that this is the point I am trying to make. No one has it easy. Be kind.

And, well, sometimes just stick your head in the sand, much like an ostrich. Because perhaps ignoring the facts and facing the emotional energy of this situation might bring us closer together to ending this suffering.

Rina Manjrekar (22) is a former student Mechatronics at Fontys School of Engineering. After graduating cum laude last summer, she now tries to find her way in the 'real' world. Here you can find her earlier columns for Bron.

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